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Chestnut Hill Thank You + Results!
  • Topic created by joeymcgarvey on Sat Feb 10, 2024 at 4:59 pm
    Joey McGarvey (joeymcgarvey)
    Num Posts: 27
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map:
    First O: 0
    Thanks to everyone who came to Chestnut Hill for the Mailbox Madness training today. We were taken by surprise (and delighted)—with twenty-four orienteers, we had 600% growth over our first event in Fairmount, including some new faces! Thank you for the Dunlops for giving us one of their maps so Ian could go out. We also had good turnout of about a dozen people at our Mappy Hour at the Chestnut Hill Brewing Company.

    Results for today (and updated results for the series) are here.

    Our next Mailbox Madness (concluding this winter series) will be in West Philly on Saturday, March 2nd. We will again follow it up with a Mappy Hour. We will confirm the meeting location soon.

    A reminder that if you'd like to participate in the full series, you can run the Fairmount map on your own. Directions are here and there's a map linked there as well. Same is true for Chestnut Hill if you missed today (map isn't up yet but will be by the end of the weekend).

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