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Chestnut Hill Mailbox Madness + Mappy Hour: this Saturday, February 10!
  • Topic created by joeymcgarvey on Mon Feb 5, 2024 at 10:13 pm
    Joey McGarvey (joeymcgarvey)
    Num Posts: 27
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    First O: 0
    The second Mailbox Madness event is this Saturday, February 10! This is informal urban sprint training, with (generally) USPS blue mailboxes instead of controls. (Though we are taking advantage of Chestnut Hill and Mount Airy's neighborhood green spaces for a few controls.) We'll meet at Pastorius Park in Chestnut Hill at 10:45 am. Mass start at 11 am. More information here, pre-registration here. It's just $5!

    We have a reservation for Mappy Hour at Chestnut Hill Brewery after. If you do the run, we can compare routes—but no need to do the event to join us! We have a table starting at noon.

    Finally, we are keeping cumulative scores for the winter Mailbox Madness series. If you wish to run the Fairmount map on your own time and self-report your scores to us, instructions are here.
  • Reply by DaveUrban on Wed Feb 21, 2024 at 9:34 am
    Dave Urban (DaveUrban)
    Num Posts: 165
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    First O: 0
    Unpaid endorsement: If you haven't tried mailbox madness you are missing a
    unique experience. Attendance is increasing at every event. No thorns or boulder
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