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Warwick Event Saturday 11/18/23
  • Topic created by Orienteer7 on Mon Nov 13, 2023 at 6:54 am
    Mark Frank (Orienteer7)
    Num Posts: 329
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: French Creek East
    First O: 1974
    This event is open to the club and public for participation.  The Junior ROTC cadets will start beginning at 10am and the club/public should be able to start no later than 11am.   There is a 4 leg relay in the afternoon with mass start expected at 1:30pm.  If you wish to enter a club/public team for this contact Mark Frank at orienteer7 at aol dot com before Thursday 11/16/23.  Club/public registration will close at midnight ET Thursday 11/16/23.  ALL Maps are being printed at 1:7,500.  The courses are completely new and are not repeats of the recent September event.
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