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Fort Washington results are up!
  • Topic created by alenka0000 on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 0:03 am
    Lena Kushleyeva (alenka0000)
    Num Posts: 275
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Thomas Iron Site
    First O: 2016
  • Reply by Philly_TS on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 6:54 am
    Sarah McAllister (Philly_TS)
    Num Posts: 3
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    First O: 2021
    Just to let you know that I was listed as Caroline Coleman but I am not Caroline Coleman. I assume I was given her epunch by mistake.
  • Reply by camperpat on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 7:08 am
    Pat Burton (camperpat)
    Num Posts: 358
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Hibernia
    First O: 1999
    what a fun weekend!  Thanks so much !  Pat and Bob 
  • Reply by drads on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 9:20 am
    David Radspinner (drads)
    Num Posts: 10
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    First O: 1986
    Just want to start by saying that this was a good map, well layed out course (brown), and professionally run event.  Well done.

    I competed in Brown with a rented ePunch and completed the course with a time, but didn't see my results anywhere.  Not sure if there was a mistake on my part (I did the download at the station and received a competitor printout, but seemed to have misplaced it).  My name is David Radspinner, DVOA.  Not a huge deal, but would love to see my splits so I can get better.

    David Radspinner
  • Reply by BobF on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 9:34 am
    Bob Fink (BobF)
    Num Posts: 20
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: French Creek East
    First O: 1997
    A huge appology to anyone with a rented e-punch that did not get in the results or who should up in the results as the wrong person.  Apparently I made some errors in entering the rented e-punch numbers into the computer.  Some got fixed at the event and others did not.  I may be able to reconstruct things to fiix the errors, but no promises.  Give me a couple of days to sort things out.  Thanks to everyone that came out to the event.

    Bob Fink
  • Reply by alenka0000 on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 9:44 am
    Lena Kushleyeva (alenka0000)
    Num Posts: 275
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Thomas Iron Site
    First O: 2016
    Wyatt or I will fix Sarah's results in a couple of days.

    There was a result for David Radspinner in the computer, but the punch sequence didn't match any of the courses, so I assumed that someone simply downloaded an unused epunch with data from a previous event, so I deleted it. I'll take a closer look, I do have the original backup with that data still there. I'll do it in the next couple of days.

    If anyone else has issues with their results, please leave a note in this thread.

  • Reply by KyleS on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 9:45 am
    Kyle Sullivan (KyleS)
    Num Posts: 18
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Bucks County Community College
    First O: 2022
    Bob - I have a feeling some of the people on the results who got marked as a mispunch may have had a similar issue and if their course is changed to the one they actually ran, it may correct some of those. Also, there was that issue with control 72 that seemed to have worked for some but not others (a couple people said they held their e-punch in the control for long enough to see the light flash, but it still didn't record them). One person I didn't correct this for before I had to leave was Zachary Saurman, and I didn't have time to look through anyone else's results to see if this occurred for others.

    Great map at a great park - the attention to detail with the new mapping was impressive when I looked at the map, and if my legs weren't so sore from the rogaine I would have loved to have run it!
  • Reply by alenka0000 on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 10:09 am
    Lena Kushleyeva (alenka0000)
    Num Posts: 275
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Thomas Iron Site
    First O: 2016

    72 was only on Red, and the only person that mispunched that control was Zachary Saurman. If this is a known issue, can give him a valid split when I re-do the results in a couple of days.

    There was one person that was listed as a mispunch because they were on a wrong course, and I fixed that result.

    There were 2 more very strange sequences of punches (I believe they were actually for Sarah and David), but they didn't match any of the courses. There were even controls in the sequence that weren't used at Fort Washington.
    It seemed that someone simply downloaded an unused epunch with data from an old event (unfortunately sometimes people helping with check-in do this, in order to take an epunch number of a no-show person out of the missing competitors report. If you are reading this and you are on of the people that sometimes do this, please don't, because it causes confusion and extra work when I process results after the event)

  • Reply by KyleS on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 10:44 am
    Kyle Sullivan (KyleS)
    Num Posts: 18
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Bucks County Community College
    First O: 2022
    Lena - Okay that's good that 72 was only used on the Red course. I think Zachary Saurman should have a split for control 72 when you take a look at the results again since it happened to someone else yesterday. (Also, Bob is already aware of the potential issue with control 72 and I believe made a note of this so that that control can be assessed for malfunctioning.)

    Thank you! :)
  • Reply by LarryG on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 3:17 pm
    Larry Geist (LarryG)
    Num Posts: 78
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    First O: 1998
    Perfect O weather, and it was nice to have the FW map back on 1:7500 scale.  I wondered about the odd green rootstocks on the map, but didn't notice the special legend until I got home.  Stumps and unpassable trunks, thanks to the nasty 2021 wind storm. 
  • Reply by rgbortz on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 9:15 pm
    Ron Bortz (rgbortz)
    Num Posts: 191
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Stuckey Pond
    First O: 1986
    Control 42 ( #5 ) on Brown was a tree stump ( shown on map as a green x ). This was an unknown to me prior to running the course. Looking at my clue sheet on the fly says it is a rootstock. So looking for a rootstock which is a vertically exposed rootball of a downed tree didn't help me locate the feature the control was on so I ran right by it until I saw a rootstock coming up a bit further than I thought it should be, This turned out to be #11. Correction made. If we are going to have green x's on our maps from now on a different symbol than the rootstock symbol needs to be used on the clue sheet to avoid confusion. The clue sheets are printed in black and white  and even if color was used there are some color blind people so using  different color x's wouldn't help.
  • Reply by wriley on Mon Apr 24, 2023 at 10:16 pm
    Wyatt Riley (wriley)
    Num Posts: 145
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Spackman Creek
    First O: 1982
    +1 that perhaps David didn't clear his epunch?  If I recall correctly he's recently back to orienteering after a long break, and even frequent orienteers sometimes miss the steps of Clear & Check before Start.   Thanks for reporting results issues - we'll make corrections, and your replies/notes here will help us sort it out better.

    Map detail was amazing, and geometry of features was great.  In several cases I had to navigate to within 3 meters of the flag - e.g. on the back side of a rootstock, knoll or bush - and then bam, the control was there :)

    Mapping committee is discussing green and brown X's, and has already taken a pass at some subtle (but useful) color and size updates for clarity.   Further map feedback is welcome as well.
  • Reply by alenka0000 on Tue Apr 25, 2023 at 10:32 am
    Lena Kushleyeva (alenka0000)
    Num Posts: 275
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Thomas Iron Site
    First O: 2016
    I fixed Sarah McAlliester's and Zachary Saurman's results. 
    I only updated DVOA results and Attackpoint, but not RouteGadget. I can't update RG once it's up, I'd have to delete and re-do it, losing all the routes that have already been uploaded.

    David Radspinner's result is likely in the system under someone else's name, but I don't know what name. David lost his printout from the event, so unless someone else speaks up and say that they weren't at Fort Washington but have a result listed there (on Brown), there isn't much I can do.

    The epunch that was listed under David's name had old data on it. no part of that sequence of punches resembled any part of any Fort Washington course, so it's not a question of a wrong course assignment or a not-cleared epunch.


  • Reply by Coleman on Tue Apr 25, 2023 at 3:27 pm
    Caroline Coleman (Coleman)
    Num Posts: 3
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    First O: 0
    Hey Lena,
    I've just become aware of OTHER people's problems with their epunch's from Ft. Washington.  When I finished, my slip said I'd completed the orange course in 1:10:47. I felt pretty good with only one blip. On Monday morning, when I saw the results, I was listed with close to 2 hours, in 12th place. I thought how could this be. I wasn't out there for 2 hours. Ian Engler was listed in 5th place with my time of 1:10:47. I then looked at my slip and saw his name on my slip! Now I was confused. 
    I just talked to Dave Morgan who had handed me the epunch in the morning. He asked if I had read the comments on the bulletin board. No, I had not. NOW I have! So I wasn't the only one with something screwed up. Now, looking at the results, I'm not even listed! 
    The chip listed on my slip (with Ian's name) is 200677. It that helps.
    Hopefully you can continue to straighten the mess out.
    Thank you.
    Caroline Coleman
  • Reply by alenka0000 on Tue Apr 25, 2023 at 11:04 pm
    Lena Kushleyeva (alenka0000)
    Num Posts: 275
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Thomas Iron Site
    First O: 2016

    thank you for letting us know!
    We'll try and sort things out in the next few days.

    If anyone else notices that their result is misplaced, please speak up!
  • Reply by EricW on Wed Apr 26, 2023 at 8:33 pm
    Eric Weyman (EricW)
    Num Posts: 99
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    First O: 0
    DVOA is very fortunate to have Lena.
  • Reply by KyleS on Thu Apr 27, 2023 at 11:41 am
    Kyle Sullivan (KyleS)
    Num Posts: 18
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Bucks County Community College
    First O: 2022
    "DVOA is very fortunate to have Lena."

    +1 !!! Very fortunate! Thank you for all your hard work, Lena!!
  • Reply by alenka0000 on Sat Apr 29, 2023 at 10:21 pm
    Lena Kushleyeva (alenka0000)
    Num Posts: 275
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Thomas Iron Site
    First O: 2016
    Aww shucks, thank you guys, this means a lot! But it's always a team effort. This time as well, most of the mis-named results were corrected during the event by the people that ran the computer (Sandy Fillebrown, Kyle Sullivan and Kathy Urban). There were only a couple to fix afterwards.

    Bob Fink, Wyatt and I poked through the registration materials and the event logs, and we fixed the results for Caroline Coleman, David Radspinner (who, as it turns out, won the Brown course!), and Helen Farley's first course (I believe it was Helen's first time orienteering? She ran White, won the course, then did Orange right away and came in second!)

    I believe the only remaining mystery is the last finisher on Green (last name Moul, no first name, no year of birth). There was some odd thing happening because there were 6 different epunches downloaded under this name. But 5 of the 6 were right away corrected to some other person's name. The 6th one remained under the name of Moul. I think it's someone else's result, but I don't know whose. So if you finished the Green course at 2:43pm with the time of 2:58:58, please let me know and we can link your result to your name.
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