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Looking for event director and course setter for Col. Denning event 5/19/24
  • Topic created by Orienteer7 on Thu Mar 28, 2024 at 3:05 pm
    Mark Frank (Orienteer7)
    Num Posts: 329
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: French Creek East
    First O: 1974
    We have been granted permission for a full event at Col. Denning State Park on Sunday May 19, 2024.   We are looking for a course setter and event director for this event.  Please contact me directly at orienteer7 at aol dot com. if you are interested.   We can supply support for the event for those who feel they want to try one of the jobs but don't feel they have all the skills needed.   

    We would like to tie down this event in the next week or two so that the park can begin to advertise the event on their end.   Mary & I will be offering a beginner program in the morning if the event goes forward.  The park manager and staff are extremely supportive of orienteering.

    Mark Frank. 
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