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Bog & Boulder / WPOC is Apr 29th not Apr 1
  • Topic created by chand on Wed Mar 15, 2023 at 4:27 pm
    Christopher Hand (chand)
    Num Posts: 135
    Primary Club: WPOC
    Fav map: French Creek Central
    First O: 2007
    The DVOA event calendar has WPOC's Bog & Boulder listed for Apr 1.  That is the date of the WPOC Raccoongaine.

    The WPOC Bog & Boulder is on Apr 29th.
  • Reply by furlong47 on Thu Mar 16, 2023 at 7:50 pm
    Julie Keim (furlong47)
    Num Posts: 362
    Primary Club: SVO
    Fav map: Fair Hill 1:15,000
    First O: 1994
    Fixed :)
  • Reply by chand on Tue Mar 21, 2023 at 1:12 pm
    Christopher Hand (chand)
    Num Posts: 135
    Primary Club: WPOC
    Fav map: French Creek Central
    First O: 2007
    thank you

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