Fort Washington
Wed, Jun 13, 2018 Sprint-O Director: E-Punch: Yes Confirmed: Yes Notes: Registration opens 6PM. 2 beginner friendly sprint courses available. Both courses close 7:30.
Map Information
Fort Washington
500 Bethlehem Pike (Joshua Road Entrance)
Fort Washington
Montgomery County
PA Scale 1:10000 LatLong N:40.116414 W:-75.233067 Photogrammetry Olaf Helgesen and previous map by Harvy Lape 1995 Field Work Vladimir Zherdev Technical Consultant Eric Weyman Cartography Vladimir Zherdev Printing West Lawn Digital Print and Copy Mapping Consultant Eric Weyman Drafting Fred Kruesi Revision Petr Hartman Directions From Exit 26 of the PA Turnpike follow PA Rt. 309 south to Rt. 73. Take a right onto Rt. 73 and follow it north and west and watch for O'-signs.
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