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Governor Dick - Thank you
  • Topic created by asuhocki on Tue Nov 17, 2020 at 6:24 pm
    Ava  Suhocki (asuhocki)
    Num Posts: 7
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    First O: 0

    Sam seemed to cover everything in his thank-you so well and so quickly!  I’d like to second his thank-yous.

    I’d also like to thank Ron Barron and Pat Burton for their help at the start.  It was particularly helpful for all the first-timers who had just come out of instructional class.

    The very popular instructional class was made possible by Mark and Mary Frank.  Thank you for offering such a helpful class and for all your assistance the day of the event.

    Kathy Moss, Sharon Siegler, Steven Aronson, Grace and Paige Suhocki, Petr Hartman, and Lena Kushleyeva thank you for staying for control pickup even though it was so cold and wet.

    Thank you, Sam Kolins for the great courses and the bonus Yes-or-No O...so fun! Sam provided helpful advice for the event logistics and is always available to answer questions...which I hope were far fewer this time than my first event. :)

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