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Programs for 2019
  • Topic created by Orienteer7 on Tue Jan 7, 2020 at 8:27 am
    Mark Frank (Orienteer7)
    Num Posts: 322
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: French Creek East
    First O: 1974
    Outside of DVOA's regular schedule many club members do educational programs/events.  We have listed some on the eboard this year.

    If you have done programs or events not on the DVOA schedule please put together a full list of your 2019 programs/events you have done and send them to me at orienteer7 at aol dot com.

    Here is what to send to me for each program/event:

    1) Date of program (approximate if you don't remember exactly)
    2) Where the program was held
    3) Name of group attending program (may be just "general public")
    4) Approximate number attending (optional if known)

    I would like to have the list to me by Sunday January 19th or before if possible.

    I will then put together a summary for the winter meeting and also send it to John Ort who needs the information for the club's tax filling.

    Mark Frank
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