Event Director:
Rick Whiffen & Udaya Bollineni
Course Design:
Udaya Bollineni, Rick Wiffen, Eric Weyma


Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 M.Trejo & D. Mustin G2 32:06 13:50 0:00    
2 Caroline/Bob Trejo G2 32:22 13:57 0:16    
3 Margaret Bowerman G2 32:44 14:06 0:38    
4 Joe Shaughessey M40+ 34:45 14:58 2:39 27.39  
5 Anthony Knarr   37:53 16:19 5:47 25.12  
6 Louise Juska G3 41:16 17:47 9:10    
7 Robert Frank M-12 41:50 18:01 9:44 22.75 -3.9
8 Mary Plunkett F55+ 41:54 18:03 9:48 22.71  
9 C/K Vandergoes G2 CCANS 43:35 18:47 11:29    
10 Je/Dani Rankin G2 GSA T1633 44:14 19:03 12:08    
11 Ryan Allen G4 49:43 21:25 17:37    
12 Matthew Allen G5 49:43 21:25 17:37    
13 Matt Frederickson G3 51:13 22:04 19:07    
14 Dmitri Chimes G3 51:48 22:19 19:42    
15 Quinn Ern M-12 53:26 23:01 21:20 17.81  
16 Surya Maheswaram M-0 53:41 23:08 21:35 17.73  
17 Beverly Doidici G3 55:27 23:54 23:21    
18 Jeff Richmond G2 57:06 24:36 25:00    
19 Mark Botman G2 57:34 24:48 25:28    
20 Svetlana Zuber F-21+ HVO 58:25 25:10 26:19 16.29  
21 Lisa O'Rourke G6 Pack 95 60:55 26:15 28:49    
22 Homer/Marg Needle G2 60:57 26:16 28:51    
23 Barbara Mangas G3 P95 GSA268 61:10 26:21 29:04    
24 Paul Ryan G3 63:55 27:33 31:49    
25 Cecile Brice G3 Pack 95 67:49 29:13 35:43    
26 C. Roberts & D. Biddle G2 74:07 31:56 42:01    
27 Steven Klein G2 77:22 33:20 45:16    
28 Chernak Group G5 80:06 34:31 48:00    
29 Daniel Barker G2 87:01 37:30 54:55    
30 Abdul Hassen G3 88:05 37:58 55:59    
31 Cheryl Manzo F-0 115:00 49:34 82:54 8.28  
  Joe Maglaty G2 MP --- ---    
White Summary
Length 2.32km
Climb 10.0m
Num Controls 9
Average Time 54:54
Average Pace 24:25
Num Maps 32
Num Orienteers 76
Total Time 71:30:46
Total Distance 171.68km
Total Climb 740.0m
Total Controls 684
White Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Nick & Steve G2 50:21 14:45 0:00    
2 Mike Loveland   51:11 15:00 0:50 33.29  
3 James Priestly M-14 HVO 51:30 15:06 1:09 33.09  
4 Aniko Tiszttarto F-21+ HVO 53:50 15:47 3:29 31.65  
5 Frank Shafer G2 54:50 16:04 4:29    
6 Bob/Bill Burton G2 56:07 16:27 5:46    
7 Daniel Ayzenberg M-12 HVO 56:25 16:32 6:04 30.21  
8 Judy Scott F55+ 63:55 18:44 13:34 26.66 -0.2
9 Without A Trace G2 64:57 19:02 14:36    
10 Cindy Cook   68:54 20:12 18:33 24.73  
11 Brandon Priestly G2 HVO 73:48 21:38 23:27    
12 J. Misla & N. Shafer G2 75:24 22:06 25:03    
13 Lee Pedersen F-0 POC/DVOA 77:22 22:41 27:01 22.03  
14 Diana/Lauren/Jeana Vose G4 78:13 22:56 27:52    
15 Janet Porter F50+ 83:45 24:33 33:24 20.35  
16 A. Shafer & B. Peyre G2 86:11 25:16 35:50    
17 Quinn Joanich M-14 87:32 25:40 37:11 19.47  
18 Sharon/Frank Pater G2 87:48 25:44 37:27    
19 Christine Wilson G3 88:00 25:48 37:39    
20 Deb Brady F-21+ 88:16 25:53 37:55 19.31 -0.8
21 Alison Kelly G2 89:35 26:16 39:14    
22 The Connelly's G2 90:20 26:29 39:59    
23 Milmer Group G7 96:18 28:14 45:57    
24 Eastman Group G3 97:30 28:35 47:09    
25 Joganich Group G3 99:06 29:03 48:45    
26 Caroline Ringo F75+ 113:48 33:22 63:27 14.97 -5.7
27 S. Casella & L. Burdick G2 116:26 34:08 66:05    
28 Suzanne Panettieri F45+ 116:52 34:16 66:31 14.58  
29 Donna Thatcher G2 122:57 36:03 72:36    
30 Michael Froyd G4 126:31 37:06 76:10    
  Roman Lavrov M-17 DNF --- --- 7.29  
  Ginger Gomez F-0 CCANC MP --- --- 7.29  
Yellow Summary
Length 3.41km
Climb 40.0m
Num Controls 9
Average Time 77:06
Average Pace 24:07
Num Maps 32
Num Orienteers 62
Total Time 86:37:38
Total Distance 204.60km
Total Climb 2400.0m
Total Controls 558
Yellow Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Susan Dente G2 41:11 9:07 0:00    
2 Judy Rilling G4 51:41 11:27 10:30    
3 Kathy Allen F-21+ 56:28 12:31 15:17 42.91 +9.6
4 M. Kenton & J. Neely G2 62:15 13:48 21:04    
5 Bruce/Keith Rankin G2 BSA 30 65:12 14:27 24:01    
6 Joel Allen M-21+ 66:24 14:43 25:13 36.49 +0.6
7 Tom Kelso M55+ 70:18 15:35 29:07 34.47  
8 Keith Payton M-15 BSA T5 74:40 16:33 33:29 32.45  
9 Dennis Porter M45+ 75:05 16:38 33:54 32.27  
10 Rich Specht G2 75:12 16:40 34:01    
11 Richard Plunkett M55+ 76:35 16:58 35:24 31.64  
12 Yvri 2   77:50 17:15 36:39 31.13  
13 Alan Slopey M45+ 82:06 18:12 40:55 29.51  
14 Lilia Lavrov F-15 82:59 18:23 41:48 29.20  
15 Kerry Ahern G2 85:29 18:57 44:18    
16 Linda Ahern F-21+ 86:28 19:10 45:17 28.02  
17 Karen Ort F50+ 91:05 20:11 49:54 26.60 -3.0
18 John/Marie Haverty G2 92:10 20:26 50:59    
19 Simcha Rudolph G2 101:50 22:34 60:39    
20 Michael Carron G4 102:02 22:37 60:51    
21 Brenda Harder F65+ 102:20 22:41 61:09 23.68 -2.4
22 Bill Mylchreest M40+ none 103:48 23:00 62:37 23.34  
23 Andrea Hartley F50+ 105:48 23:27 64:37 22.90 -4.0
24 Susan Greene F40+ 113:22 25:08 72:11 21.37  
25 Beverly Payton G2 BSA T5 132:20 29:20 91:09    
26 Colleen Bracken F40+ 135:37 30:04 94:26 17.87 -7.6
27 G. Stopp D. Mayer G2 137:11 30:25 96:00    
28 Dougin Walker G5 145:14 32:12 104:03    
29 Lisa Mcentee G4 GSA T1288 166:18 36:52 125:07    
30 Milly Elrod G2 GSA T1288 166:18 36:52 125:07    
  Yuri Zakrevski M-14 DNF --- --- 8.93 -10.6
Orange Summary
Length 4.51km
Climb 40.0m
Num Controls 11
Average Time 91:08
Average Pace 20:52
Num Maps 31
Num Orienteers 54
Total Time 88:45:23
Total Distance 239.03km
Total Climb 2120.0m
Total Controls 594
Orange Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Shawn Duffalo M-21+ 41:53 10:05 0:00 66.74 +3.4
2 Sandy Ahlswede F35+ 55:45 13:26 13:52 50.14 +2.1
3 Nadia Popova F55+ HVO 65:44 15:50 23:51 42.53  
4 Valery Havaka M-21+ 65:49 15:51 23:56 42.47 -4.0
5 Joe Maglaty M50+ 66:34 16:02 24:41 41.99 -0.3
6 Sandy Heath M70+ 71:50 17:18 29:57 38.91  
7 John T. Ort M55+ 72:05 17:22 30:12 38.78 +3.9
8 Bill Shannon M65+ 74:05 17:51 32:12 37.73 -6.1
9 Dave Urban M55+ 79:03 19:02 37:10 35.36 +6.4
10 Irina Bublik F60+ HVO 80:15 19:20 38:22 34.83  
11 Daria Babushok F-21+ 81:02 19:31 39:09 34.50 -18.6
12 Sharon Siegler F55+ 84:07 20:16 42:14 33.23 +3.1
13 Andrew/Judy Vose G2 84:31 20:21 42:38    
14 Lisa Seifrit F40+ 91:22 22:00 49:29 30.60 +1.4
15 Ken Miraski M50+ 92:18 22:14 50:25 30.29 -6.3
16 Michael Metzger M40+ 98:38 23:46 56:45 28.34 -2.9
17 Roger Martin M60+ 104:44 25:14 62:51 26.69 +2.5
18 Merle Kohn M65+ 115:14 27:46 73:21 24.26 +5.2
19 Barry Landis M55+ 115:58 27:56 74:05 24.10 -5.2
20 Gururaj Upadhye M35+ 122:47 29:35 80:54 22.77  
21 Kathy Urban F55+ 125:35 30:15 83:42 22.26 +0.1
22 Sherri Meyer F50+ 168:30 40:36 126:37 16.59 -5.4
  Kent Ringo M85+ OT --- --- 8.29 -7.2
Brown Summary
Length 4.15km
Climb 75.0m
Num Controls 13
Average Time 85:07
Average Pace 21:26
Num Maps 23
Num Orienteers 24
Total Time 34:02:20
Total Distance 95.45km
Total Climb 1725.0m
Total Controls 312
Brown Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Hunter Cornish M-18 54:39 9:46 0:00 65.91 +2.0
2 Ron Bortz M50+ 59:19 10:36 4:40 60.72 -7.7
3 Bob Meyer M50+ 61:34 11:00 6:55 58.50 -0.6
4 Bruce Zeidman M60+ 65:04 11:38 10:25 55.35 +3.4
5 Dave Darrah M60+ 67:15 12:01 12:36 53.56 +8.7
6 Eric Pevoto M35+ 67:36 12:05 12:57 53.28 +14.3
7 Guy Olsen M45+ HVO 70:30 12:36 15:51 51.09  
8 Bob Burg M55+ 70:54 12:41 16:15 50.80 -3.3
9 Michael Ayzenberg M50+ HVO 71:14 12:44 16:35 50.56  
10 Ralph Tolbert M50+ 71:29 12:47 16:50 50.39 -2.4
11 Valerly Doveror M55+ HVO 71:58 12:52 17:19 50.05  
12 Bob Gross M45+ 75:22 13:28 20:43 47.79 -6.2
13 Dmitry Lavrov M40+ SOC 77:06 13:47 22:27 46.72  
14 Rob Wilkison M55+ 77:44 13:54 23:05 46.33 -9.3
15 Ron Wood M60+ 78:05 13:58 23:26 46.13 -2.2
16 Jay Wilshire M40+ 79:37 14:14 24:58 45.24 +2.5
17 Robert Buraczynski M50+ CNYO 81:21 14:33 26:42 44.27  
18 Kerry Shannon F-21+ HVO 81:29 14:34 26:50 44.20  
19 Tom Pelnar M60+ HVO 82:31 14:45 27:52 43.65  
20 Steve Aronson M45+ 82:38 14:46 27:59 43.59 +1.9
21 Alex Bass M-21+ HVO 82:40 14:47 28:01 43.57  
22 Csaba Tiszttarto M35+ HVO 84:21 15:05 29:42 42.70  
23 David Seifrit M35+ 85:48 15:20 31:09 41.98 +0.4
24 Mary Frank F45+ 89:14 15:57 34:35 40.36 -11.4
25 Ed Scott M60+ 90:02 16:06 35:23 40.00 -4.8
26 Bob Fischer M55+ 90:27 16:10 35:48 39.82 +5.9
27 Valentina Grigorryeba F60+ 91:44 16:24 37:05 39.26  
28 Nancy Sharp F45+ 93:06 16:39 38:27 38.69 -0.9
29 Larry Pedersen M55+ POC/DVOA 95:44 17:07 41:05 37.62  
30 Joe Hamer M50+ 96:10 17:12 41:31 37.45 -3.5
31 Michael Forbes M55+ DVOA 96:51 17:19 42:12 37.19 -1.9
32 Mike Ahern M50+ 96:57 17:20 42:18 37.15  
33 Brian Higgins G2 104:57 18:46 50:18    
34 Kathy King F50+ 105:36 18:53 50:57 34.11 -1.0
35 Lev Zakrevski M35+ 108:22 19:23 53:43 33.24  
36 Roger Hartley M55+ 110:16 19:43 55:37 32.66 +4.1
37 Jim Puzo M40+ 112:11 20:04 57:32 32.11  
38 Mike Borovicka M55+ 113:17 20:15 58:38 31.79 -0.2
39 David Cramer M45+ 118:12 21:08 63:33 30.47 -2.5
40 Larry Geist M50+ 126:15 22:35 71:36 28.53 -1.4
41 Bob Burton G2 126:50 22:41 72:11    
42 Nikolav Glukhor M55+ 176:33 31:34 121:54 20.40  
  Maryann Cassidy F50+ DNF --- ---    
  Krystian Tarnawa M-21+ OT --- --- 10.20 -19.7
Green Summary
Length 5.59km
Climb 105.0m
Num Controls 14
Average Time 85:04
Average Pace 15:56
Num Maps 44
Num Orienteers 46
Total Time 66:14:45
Total Distance 245.96km
Total Climb 4620.0m
Total Controls 644
Green Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Clem McGrath M-21+ 51:03 6:45 0:00 94.81 -4.6
2 Vadim Masalkov M35+ 53:33 7:05 2:30 90.39 +3.0
3 Gregory Balter M40+ 53:38 7:06 2:35 90.25 -5.9
4 Wyatt Riley M-21+ 54:42 7:14 3:39 88.49 -6.6
5 Sergei Gnatiouk M35+ HVO 57:51 7:39 6:48 83.67  
6 Sergei Fedorov M-21+ 59:26 7:52 8:23 81.44 -0.0
7 Paul Thornton M45+ CLOK 60:51 8:03 9:48 79.54  
8 Tom Overbaugh M45+ 62:10 8:14 11:07 77.86 +1.6
9 Karl Ahlswede M40+ 65:33 8:40 14:30 73.84 +2.7
10 Steve Nagy M45+ 65:38 8:41 14:35 73.75 -0.4
11 Angelica Riley F-21+ 67:23 8:55 16:20 71.83 +6.2
12 Sergei Rybachuk M45+ HVO 68:52 9:07 17:49 70.28  
13 Johny Wrongway M40+ 71:38 9:29 20:35 67.57 +6.2
14 Mark Cornish M45+ 72:17 9:34 21:14 66.96 -6.6
15 Mark Frank M45+ 74:14 9:49 23:11 65.20 -5.9
16 Mike Bertram M55+ 78:36 10:24 27:33 61.58 +4.8
17 Paul Bennett M45+ HVO 79:37 10:32 28:34 60.79  
18 Marie Amesson F-21+ OK Loftan 80:46 10:41 29:43 59.93  
19 Petr Hartman M40+ 81:29 10:47 30:26 59.40 -3.7
20 Brian Supplee M45+ 82:46 10:57 31:43 58.48 -0.2
21 Paul Regan M45+ HVO 86:27 11:27 35:24 55.99  
22 Sandy Fillebrown F50+ 88:13 11:41 37:10 54.87 -4.1
23 Matt Ross   none 92:33 12:15 41:30 52.30  
24 Bruce Kuo G2 101:04 13:23 50:01    
25 Ron Cook M45+ 109:58 14:33 58:55 44.02 +10.3
26 Joby Hilliker M-21+ 130:46 17:19 79:43 37.01 -3.3
  Patrick Shannon M-21+ HVO DNF --- --- 18.51  
  Alex Dudkevich M35+ HVO OT --- --- 18.51  
Red Summary
Length 7.55km
Climb 125.0m
Num Controls 20
Average Time 69:40
Average Pace 9:56
Num Maps 28
Num Orienteers 29
Total Time 34:12:08
Total Distance 203.85km
Total Climb 3375.0m
Total Controls 580
Red Rankings


Event Totals
Distance:1160.57 km
Climb:14980.0 m
DNF Did Not Finish
MP MisPunch
OT OverTime
NC Not Competing (also used for a 2nd course at same event)
CGV Course Gnarliness Value - a measurement indicating the difficulty of a course
Pl Place, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Behind How far behind the winner, in MM:SS

* While the "Score" value is an indication of how well you performed in this event, please understand it is partly determined by how well you performed in all other events. Not only that, it is also partly determined by how well all others performed. The "Score" value will change as the season progresses. Even if you miss an event, it is quite likely this score will change. It is not useful to compare Scores on one course to the Scores on a different course. For a full explanation of the rankings formula please see the rankings formula page.

** The "Diff" column displays the difference between this event and your ranking score. A positive number indicates your result was better than your year-to-date ranking score while a negative number indicates a result that was not as good as your ranking score.