Event Summary

Event NameDateCourseTimePlaceLengthClimbCtrlsPaceScorePCD*CGV*
FC Central May 02, 2004 Green 71:52 17/27 4.50 160.0 10 15:58
1741.95 0.00 3218.00
Ridley Creek May 23, 2004 Green 181:09 21/22 6.07 260.0 11 29:50
3168.09 0.00 4460.00
Hibernia May 30, 2004 Green 99:16 18/23 4.46 92.0 12 22:15
2494.19 0.00 3104.33
Iron Hill Aug 08, 2004 Green MP -/13 4.30 115.0 14 0.0 0.00 0.00 4336.33
FC North Sep 19, 2004 Green 126:36 21/23 4.80 170.0 11 26:22
2847.13 0.00 3468.33
FC North Sep 19, 2004 Green 126:36 37/46 4.80 170.0 11 26:22
0.00 0.00 3468.33
Brandywine Dec 05, 2004 Green 121:40 29/35 4.95 165.0 11 24:34
3053.08 0.00 3108.33
Totals:  12:07:09
  29.58 1017.0 66 24:34

*PCD: Personal Course Difficulty  *CGV:Course Gnarliness Value (Course Difficulty)

Ranking Summary

Ranking Score:2660.890
Overall Rank:138 of 156
Men's Rank:114 of 121
Class Rank:14 of 14

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