Event Summary

Event NameDateCourseTimePlaceLengthClimbCtrlsPaceScorePCD*CGV*
Brandywine Dec 11, 2011 White 0:58:32 9/15 2.60 100.0 11 22:30
21.26 1414.22 1192.98
Ridley Dec 04, 2011 White 0:33:37 2/19 2.40 50.0 12 14:00
27.70 812.21 892.80
Star Village Nov 27, 2011 White 0:42:10 3/10 2.00 80.0 10 21:05
26.54 1018.79 1073.11
Totals:  2:14:19
  7.00 230.0 33 19:11

*PCD: Personal Course Difficulty  *CGV:Course Gnarliness Value (Course Difficulty)

Ranking Summary

Ranking Score:0.000
Overall Rank:0 of 165
Women's Rank:0 of 46
Class Rank:0 of 3

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