Event Summary

Event NameDateCourseTimePlaceLengthClimbCtrlsPaceScorePCD*CGV*
VF Fatlands Apr 18, 2004 Red 97:58 17/22 8.70 100.0 20 11:15
1648.19 0.00 3566.33
FC Central May 02, 2004 Green 74:24 18/27 4.50 160.0 10 16:32
1803.36 0.00 3218.00
Hibernia May 30, 2004 Green 76:05 10/23 4.46 92.0 12 17:03
1911.68 0.00 3104.33
VF Mt Joy Jun 13, 2004 Green 54:24 8/30 5.65 130.0 8 9:37
1633.47 0.00 2597.67
Washington Cross Oct 31, 2004 Green 71:27 6/33 4.60 115.0 12 15:31
0.00 0.00 3300.33
Brandywine Dec 05, 2004 Red 89:28 13/18 6.38 210.0 13 14:01
1650.16 0.00 3415.67
Totals:  7:43:46
  34.29 807.0 75 13:31

*PCD: Personal Course Difficulty  *CGV:Course Gnarliness Value (Course Difficulty)

Ranking Summary

Ranking Score:1683.794
Overall Rank:57 of 156
Men's Rank:50 of 121
Class Rank:12 of 25

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