| |
White Summary |
Length |
2.10km |
Climb |
65.0m |
Num Controls |
11 |
Average Time |
71:31 |
Average Pace |
35:01 |
Num Maps |
36 |
Num Orienteers |
88 |
Total Time |
Total Distance |
180.60km |
Total Climb |
Total Controls |
968 |
White Rankings |
| |
Yellow Summary |
Length |
2.80km |
Climb |
90.0m |
Num Controls |
10 |
Average Time |
95:53 |
Average Pace |
35:33 |
Num Maps |
27 |
Num Orienteers |
67 |
Total Time |
Total Distance |
182.00km |
Total Climb |
Total Controls |
670 |
Yellow Rankings |
| |
Orange Summary |
Length |
3.10km |
Climb |
120.0m |
Num Controls |
10 |
Average Time |
94:26 |
Average Pace |
30:27 |
Num Maps |
19 |
Num Orienteers |
27 |
Total Time |
Total Distance |
83.70km |
Total Climb |
Total Controls |
270 |
Orange Rankings |
| |
Brown Summary |
Length |
3.70km |
Climb |
105.0m |
Num Controls |
10 |
Average Time |
84:30 |
Average Pace |
22:50 |
Num Maps |
17 |
Num Orienteers |
21 |
Total Time |
Total Distance |
77.70km |
Total Climb |
Total Controls |
210 |
Brown Rankings |
| |
Green Summary |
Length |
5.75km |
Climb |
190.0m |
Num Controls |
11 |
Average Time |
91:23 |
Average Pace |
17:29 |
Num Maps |
22 |
Num Orienteers |
24 |
Total Time |
Total Distance |
126.50km |
Total Climb |
Total Controls |
264 |
Green Rankings |
| |
Red Summary |
Length |
6.30km |
Climb |
240.0m |
Num Controls |
13 |
Average Time |
85:59 |
Average Pace |
13:38 |
Num Maps |
17 |
Num Orienteers |
17 |
Total Time |
Total Distance |
107.10km |
Total Climb |
Total Controls |
221 |
Red Rankings |
Event Totals |
Maps: | 138 |
Orienteers: | 244 |
Time: | 365:32:24
Distance: | 757.60 km |
Climb: | 25145.0 m |
Ctrls: | 2539 |
Legend |
Did Not Finish |
MP |
MisPunch |
OT |
OverTime |
NC |
Not Competing (also used for a 2nd course at same event) |
Course Gnarliness Value - a measurement indicating the difficulty of a course |
Pl |
Place, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. |
Behind |
How far behind the winner, in MM:SS |
While the "Score" value is an indication of how well you performed in this event, please understand it is partly determined by how well you performed in all other events. Not only that, it is also partly determined by how well all others performed. The "Score" value will change as the season progresses. Even if you miss an event, it is quite likely this score will change. It is not useful to compare Scores on one course to the Scores on a different course. For a full explanation of the rankings formula please see the rankings formula page.
The "Diff" column displays the difference between this event and your ranking score. A positive number indicates your result was better than your year-to-date ranking score while a negative number indicates a result that was not as good as your ranking score.