Event Director:
Janet Porter
Course Design:
Janet Porter


Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Jordan Landis M-11 4H 28.46 13:22 0:00    
2 Frank Shafer G2 Scouts 29.07 13:32 0:21    
3 Picozzi Group G2 Scouts 29.09 13:33 0:23    
4 Anthony Knarr G2 30.12 14:02 1:26    
5 ? Kalicki M35+ 34.36 16:05 5:50 2266.03 -607.3
6 Andrew Shafer G2 Scouts 35.19 16:25 6:33    
7 Joseph Dasiny G2 Scouts 35.24 16:27 6:38    
8 Tom Broderick   37.17 17:20 8:31    
9 Robert Frank M-10 38.07 17:43 9:21 2496.34 +469.0
10 Nick Chuban M-12 41.07 19:07 12:21    
11 John/Grace/Dianne Heard G3 45.39 21:13 16:53    
12 Charles Konut M-16 BS T52 46.26 21:35 17:40    
13 ? McFadden G2 Scout 47.28 22:04 18:42    
14 ? McGuriman G3 Scout 47.52 22:15 19:06    
15 John/Jeff Beule G4 Scout 49.08 22:51 20:22    
16 Donna Broderick F-0 49.10 22:52 20:24    
17 Hannah Landes F-10 4H 51.36 24:00 22:50    
18 ? Jones G2 52.38 24:28 23:52    
UnknownCourse Summary
Length 2.15km
Climb 20.0m
Num Controls 9
Average Time 40:30
Average Pace 18:50
Num Maps 18
Num Orienteers 32
Total Time 22:02:44
Total Distance 68.80km
Total Climb 640.0m
Total Controls 288
UnknownCourse Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Joseph Maglaty M45+ 37.27 13:11 0:00 1419.69 -156.6
2 Robert Smith M40+ 48.26 17:03 10:59 1836.05 -461.6
3 Jamie Hill F-14 DVOA 48.39 17:07 11:12 1844.26 -67.8
4 Arthur Bond M40+ 50.19 17:43 12:52 1907.45 -722.2
5 Erin George F-21+ 52.32 18:29 15:05    
6 ? Narsing M-21+ 54.58 19:21 17:31    
7 Tory Lingg F55+ 55.39 19:35 18:12 2109.63 -241.9
8 Barnes Family G3 59.48 21:03 22:21    
9 ? Kalicki M35+ 65.59 23:14 28:32 2501.35 -372.0
10 Pam/Taylor Maurer G2 68.37 24:09 31:10    
11 Pat/Sarah Keim G2 SVO 76.29 26:55 39:02    
12 Pat Fisher / Sue Perne G4 77.00 27:06 39:33    
13 Black Family G4 79.14 27:53 41:47    
14 Y.S. Leigh G2 81.10 28:34 43:43    
15 Ken Ralph G2 82.40 29:06 45:13    
16 Cynitrice Simpson G3 83.07 29:15 45:40    
17 Bruce Focht G3 GS TR 513 88.23 31:07 50:56    
18 Allen/Ben/Alaina Schant G3 93.20 32:51 55:53    
19 Eric Landes M-14 4H 97.49 34:26 60:22    
20 Katherine ? F-12 131.40 46:21 94:13    
UnknownCourse Summary
Length 2.84km
Climb 35.0m
Num Controls 13
Average Time 71:39
Average Pace 25:14
Num Maps 20
Num Orienteers 38
Total Time 47:40:10
Total Distance 107.92km
Total Climb 1330.0m
Total Controls 494
UnknownCourse Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Addison Cole M-16 82.33 18:13 0:00 1440.10 +98.3
2 John Ort M50+ 83.59 18:32 1:26 1465.11 -234.3
3 Joshua George M-21+ SVO 91.25 20:10 8:52    
4 Paul Ort M-16 95.20 21:02 12:47 1663.11 +325.1
5 Dave Kline M45+ DVOA 116.35 25:44 34:02 2033.82 +175.5
6 Kate Oshea G2 120.59 26:42 38:26    
7 Karen Ort F50+ 130.18 28:45 47:45 2273.11 -373.1
8 Lorrie/Bob Hill G2 132.25 29:13 49:52    
9 Pat Burton F35+ 138.14 30:30 55:41 2411.51 -243.5
10 Kate Colelaser F50+ 142.48 31:31 60:15    
11 Leslie Scroble F40+ 148.18 32:44 65:45 2587.13 -892.0
12 Steve Stracka M-0 150.11 33:09 67:38    
13 Toni Tordonato F40+ 150.11 33:09 67:38    
UnknownCourse Summary
Length 4.53km
Climb 107.0m
Num Controls 14
Average Time 121:47
Average Pace 26:53
Num Maps 13
Num Orienteers 15
Total Time 30:36:40
Total Distance 67.95km
Total Climb 1605.0m
Total Controls 210
UnknownCourse Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Dave Darrah M55+ 44.30 12:38 0:00 1232.58 -320.0
2 Brain Hill M45+ DVOA 51.45 14:42 7:15 1433.39 -233.7
3 Jay Wilshire M40+ 55.23 15:44 10:53 1534.03 -196.0
4 Jean OConor F55+ 58.14 16:32 13:44 1612.97 -43.1
5 Anne Bullitt F45+ 65.46 18:41 21:16 1821.63 -352.5
6 Patrick Wilshire M-18 67.20 19:07 22:50 1865.03 -51.1
7 Daria Babushor F-21+ 75.50 21:32 31:20 2100.46 +192.0
8 Brenda Grant G2 81.28 23:08 36:58    
9 Mike Borovicka / Sue Liwak G2 83.36 23:45 39:06    
10 David Cramer M40+ 91.23 25:57 46:53 2531.17 +115.7
11 Kent Ringo M85+ 99.58 28:23 55:28 2768.92 -279.8
12 K&G Kohler G2 111.52 31:46 67:22    
13 Doug Cogit G2 121.20 34:28 76:50    
14 Caroline Ringo F75+ 148.11 42:05 103:41 4104.44 +1062.5
  Roger Hartley M55+ DNF --- ---    
UnknownCourse Summary
Length 3.52km
Climb 60.0m
Num Controls 9
Average Time 77:06
Average Pace 23:28
Num Maps 15
Num Orienteers 19
Total Time 25:54:52
Total Distance 63.36km
Total Climb 1080.0m
Total Controls 171
UnknownCourse Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Clem McGrath M-21+ 71.04 12:56 0:00 1241.29 +241.5
2 Ron Bortz M50+ 75.23 13:43 4:19 1316.69 +110.0
3 Bob Meyer M45+ 76.50 13:59 5:46 1342.02 -79.4
4 Mark Frank M45+ 80.56 14:44 9:52 1413.63 +131.9
5 Bob Burg M55+ 81.20 14:48 10:16 1420.62 -56.2
6 Mary Frank F40+ 86.23 15:44 15:19 1508.82 -195.8
7 Dale Parson M45+ 89.08 16:14 18:04 1556.86 +104.0
8 Ed Scott M55+ 89.23 16:16 18:19 1561.22 -37.6
9 Steve Aronson M40+ 90.53 16:33 19:49 1587.42 -215.9
10 Rob Favorite M50+ 92.47 16:54 21:43 1620.61 +116.3
11 Bob Fink M50+ 95.29 17:23 24:25 1667.77 -88.2
12 Bruce Zeidman M60+ 95.40 17:25 24:36 1670.97 -83.8
13 Ed Jaeger M35+ 97.26 17:44 26:22    
14 Ron Cook M45+ 98.02 17:51 26:58 1712.31 -106.7
15 Rob Wilkison M50+ 100.23 18:17 29:19 1753.36 +157.7
16 Sandy McMahan F-21+ 111.39 20:20 40:35 1950.15 +35.3
17 Harvey Lape M50+ SVO 112.43 20:31 41:39    
18 Micheal Metzger M40+ 116.14 21:10 45:10 2030.20 +17.4
19 Bob Rycharski M40+ 116.22 21:11 45:18 2032.53 +259.2
20 Jim/Elizabeth Simpson G2 116.31 21:13 45:27    
21 Ed Haube M40+ 121.40 22:09 50:36 2125.10 -36.2
22 Dan Shourds M35+ 127.40 23:15 56:36 2229.90 +384.9
23 Paul Kusko M60+ 127.47 23:16 56:43 2231.94 +54.9
24 Bob Burton M35+ 128.04 23:19 57:00 2236.89 +264.4
25 M. Hutchinson   - 128.07 23:20 57:03    
26 Dale Cole   139.09 25:20 68:05    
27 John Rowen M45+ 146.19 26:39 75:15 2555.65  
28 Rick Wiffen M50+ 155.00 28:13 83:56 2707.32 +317.0
29 Donna Terefenko F50+ 166.19 30:17 95:15 2904.99 +472.1
30 Sharon Siegler F55+ 174.07 31:42 103:03 3041.23 +211.0
31 Larry Geist M50+ 177.39 32:21 106:35 3102.94 +521.0
32 Michael Forbes M55+ 188.45 34:22 117:41 3296.82 +1208.5
33 Roger Martin M55+ 199.18 36:18 128:14 3481.09 +659.5
  Kathleen Geist F45+ DNF --- ---    
UnknownCourse Summary
Length 5.49km
Climb 100.0m
Num Controls 15
Average Time 113:57
Average Pace 21:23
Num Maps 34
Num Orienteers 35
Total Time 66:31:01
Total Distance 186.66km
Total Climb 3400.0m
Total Controls 525
UnknownCourse Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Tom Overbaugh M40+ 88.46 10:44 0:00 956.88 -127.9
2 Florin Tencariu M-21+ 93.52 11:21 5:06 1011.86 -131.5
3 Peter Yeomans M35+ 95.40 11:34 6:54 1031.26 -345.2
4 Mark Cornish M45+ 97.54 11:51 9:08 1055.34 -222.7
5 Chris Steere M-21+ 111.57 13:33 23:11 1206.79 -148.6
6 Sergey Osinsky M35+ 114.20 13:50 25:34 1232.48 -227.0
7 Brian Supplee M45+ 116.34 14:06 27:48 1256.56 -140.8
8 Hunter Cornish M-16 120.43 14:36 31:57 1301.29 -25.7
9 Brian Berg M35+ 130.39 15:49 41:53 1408.37 -319.5
10 Julie Keim F-21+ 149.26 18:05 60:40 1610.85 -307.9
11 Kevin Barrow / Keith Layton G2 157.20 19:02 68:34    
12 David Levine M40+ 158.45 19:13 69:59    
13 Jim Bullitt M40+ 181.57 22:01 93:11 1961.37 -291.4
14 Steven Getz M35+ 185.41 22:28 96:55 2001.62 +144.2
15 Lowe Kolshorn M-21+ 205.52 24:55 117:06 2219.19 +348.9
16 Matt School G2 217.11 26:17 128:25    
17 Ed Kenna G2 234.49 28:25 146:03    
  Udaya Bollineni M-21+ DNF --- ---    
  Samantha Glazier F-21+ DNF --- ---    
  Karl Ahlswede M40+ NC --- ---    
  Robert Buraczynski M45+ NC --- ---    
UnknownCourse Summary
Length 8.26km
Climb 115.0m
Num Controls 18
Average Time 117:12
Average Pace 17:31
Num Maps 21
Num Orienteers 24
Total Time 51:10:46
Total Distance 165.20km
Total Climb 2300.0m
Total Controls 432
UnknownCourse Rankings


Event Totals
Distance:659.89 km
Climb:10355.0 m
DNF Did Not Finish
MP MisPunch
OT OverTime
NC Not Competing (also used for a 2nd course at same event)
CGV Course Gnarliness Value - a measurement indicating the difficulty of a course
Pl Place, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Behind How far behind the winner, in MM:SS

* While the "Score" value is an indication of how well you performed in this event, please understand it is partly determined by how well you performed in all other events. Not only that, it is also partly determined by how well all others performed. The "Score" value will change as the season progresses. Even if you miss an event, it is quite likely this score will change. It is not useful to compare Scores on one course to the Scores on a different course. For a full explanation of the rankings formula please see the rankings formula page.

** The "Diff" column displays the difference between this event and your ranking score. A positive number indicates your result was better than your year-to-date ranking score while a negative number indicates a result that was not as good as your ranking score.